美国代购 Living Basix LB100 Jet Fry OilFree Fryer 电炸锅
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- Combines infrared and convection technologies to evenly "fry" foods such as French fries, chicken nuggets, onion rings and more without using oil
- Adjustable temperature control ensures food is cooked to the appropriate temperature (up to 400F)
- Closed cooking system provides a safe odor and splatter free cooking experience with a cool touch exterior
- Compact size - easily fits on a kitchen counter and blends in with existing appliances
- Dishwasher safe fry bowl and basket
The Living Basix Jet Fry Oil-Free Fryer makes cooking quick, convenient and most importantly, healthy! This unique product makes crisp, succulent fried food with little to no oil. Using a combination of infrared and convection cooking technologies, the Jet Fry Oil-Free Fryer reaches an internal temperature of up to 400F and evenly circulates hot air to cook chicken wings, French fries and onion rings with the same crunchy exterior and moist interior produced by conventional deep fryers. You can also use the Jet Fry to bake or broil meats and vegetables. Virtually all of the cooking oil is absorbed by the food, eliminating strong odors as well as the hassle of disposing of large quantities of used oil. The Living Basix Jet Fry Oil-Free Fryer has multiple adjustable temperatures as well as a programmable timer. The inner components are also dishwasher safe for easy maintenance. ETl-listed.
Living Basix LB100 Jet Fry Oil-Free Fryer with Adjustable Temperature Control and Timer
最近销售:0 掌柜:晨霞生活服务精品店¥36 元